graphic recorders

Fresh thinking from the team
at Sketch Group

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109 articles
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Aug 23, 2016

Happy Anniversary to Us

23/8/2016 ​Sketch Videos published their very first video on August 23rd 2012. And in that four […]

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Aug 22, 2016

The $50 Million Sketch

We posted a few weeks back about the value of expressing your idea in a […]

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Aug 15, 2016

A Brief Brief About Briefs

15/8/2016 ​It seems that briefs are a necessary evil when clients and creatives do business […]

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Aug 08, 2016

“A drawing is simply a line going for a walk.”                 Paul Klee

8/8/2016 How lovely is that idea? A line going for a walk. And that line can […]

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Aug 05, 2016

The Olympics of Sketching

5/8/2016 If there were an Olympics of Sketching, we’d enterAll that colour and movement – […]

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Aug 02, 2016

Let’s Talk About Diversity

​We live in a world of different races, religions, shapes, sizes, sexes, identity, age and colour. […]

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Jul 26, 2016

Graphic Recording for lllustrators Workshop – It’s your turn to Sketch

26/7/2016 There are a lot of names used to describe to Graphic Recording.Live Sketching, Visual […]

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Jul 13, 2016

Sketch Posters

13/7/2016 ​When you can blog, gif, meme, podcast, vodcast, periscope – you might find yourself […]

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Jul 06, 2016

HNFY! (And no, it’s not a typo)

6/7/2016 Everyone went mad for the End of Financial Year (EOFY) so perhaps we need […]

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