graphic recorders

Fresh thinking from the team
at Sketch Group

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Nov 28, 2016

To Draw or Not to Draw.                           It’s not even a question.

28/11/2016 We can all draw. Really. We can.When we start out in life, drawing is […]

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Nov 21, 2016

Oh! We need to talk about OHS

21/11/2016 Occupational Health and Safety (or, if you’d prefer, WHS–Workplace Health and Safety) are the regulations, […]

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Nov 17, 2016

It’s time to reflect. And Sparkle!!!

17/11/2016 The weather is heating up.Christmas displays are everywhere and people are starting to ask,​“What […]

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Nov 11, 2016

Let’s Get Animated…

At Sketch Videos everything starts with a Sketch.It’s how we think, how we explain, how […]

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Oct 13, 2016

Why we ask Why

13/10/2016 Whilewhatmay come beforewhyin the dictionary, that’s about the only place it should. When crafting […]

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Oct 03, 2016

There’s a Buzz about Localvolts

3/10/2016 We recently creating a video for Localvolts, an exciting new company that is working to […]

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Sep 20, 2016

Let’s Talk about Talking About Health

20/9/2016 Health communication covers a lot of territory – from awareness of pubic health issues […]

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Sep 14, 2016

How to Succeed at Failure

14/9/2016 “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s that I stay with problems longer”Albert EinsteinAlbert […]

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Aug 29, 2016

Shhhhh… We’ve Got Secrets

​ While we love to show off the videos we make, there’s a whole lot […]

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